viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

The weed in my life

   Greetings! to be honest, I didn't have a clear idea of what I was gonna write for the blog, but in the end I decided to write about the mariejane haha because it's something that's in my life on a daily basis. And I don't really care if people know that I do weed, since there's many reasons why I do it, to begin with, my family has never thought of weed as something bad, actually, It's something really regular in my life, It may seem weird , but weed has changed my life, because I have been living with depression my enterily short life, and when I started to smoke it, it calms my anxiety anguish and weed help me to keep me from having bad thoughts and insecurities about all I do; when I smoke it, I can focus on what I have to do and what it matters in that moment. I enjoy sharing it with my friends and my dad, so I don't have problems with this, so I smoke in my bedroom whenever I want xd and doesn't get me any trouble with my parents UWU
 That's all for the moment haha

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